Mission & Vision

Our mission is to raise the visibility of the Triangle arts community, strengthen cross-sector networks, connect artists to resources, increase access to the arts, and cultivate a culture of arts patronage. We do this through short-term, zero-commission, pop-up exhibitions and multidisciplinary arts programming by Triangle-based contemporary artists, curators, and freelance arts administrators.

Pop Box Gallery is a collaboration between Laura Ritchie and Mavis Gragg. Our curatorial focus centers artwork that directly responds to the political, economic, and social issues of our time and and the project prioritizes artists and audiences who belong to historically marginalized groups. Our core values are: lower barriers for and empowerment of artists and arts administrators in the Triangle arts ecosystem, hearing and seeing diverse voices and perspectives through art; social and political awareness, community engagement, innovation in connecting with wider audiences, and collaboration across sectors in the Triangle community.



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